Thursday 1 September 2011

Muscle Building Diet Plan

Muscle building diets are very different to a normal healthy eating plan. To build muscle your intensity of training the muscle is much higher & this leads to breaking muscles down. A strict muscle building diet is needed to supply the muscles with adequate nutrients to repair & grow. The important thing is that you DONT think eating big gets you big! it doesnt! It gets you bulky & fat! Who wants to have huge arms & chest but a HUGE stomarch to match?!!!
The best plan for you needs to be made individual & based on your current weight in lbs and tailored to your current training program. Over eating is very common and its essential you only give your body the calories it needs to grow and not the extra that will cause it to holf fat!

I'm going to give you my muslce building diet. I weigh 12 stone 5 lbs. My plan is about adding quaility not quantitiy. If you like my shape and size then my chest workout & this diet plan are two components you need!

Upon Waking: Green Tea & Protein Shake (the best shakes to use first thing would be a PH balanced or alkaline- Hemp Protein powder is good alternative)

Breakfast: Energizer Breakfast:
100g oats (soak in water over night to help release more nutrient benefits), 50g bran-flakes, 50g mixed nuts (hazel/peacan/almonds), 1 t-spoon honey, add cinnamon, almond milk.

multi vit & Omega oils supplement

Mid-Morning: Muscle Building Smoothie
50g soft Tofu, 1 banana, cinnamon, 50 ml almod milk, 100 ml water, 200g mixed berries (any), 30-40g Protein Powder-usually 2 scoops,  5 ice cubes- Blend it up!

Lunch: Soup & Bean Salad-no iv not gone mad I having a salad to build muscle! The reason is the high fibre content & slow release energy from the beans that keep your bowl movements regular. Protein can slow solids passing and this can lead to health problems & more fat stores. Add Udo's oil to salad to help reduce fat storage!

If you are buying then Any Veg Soup is fine, try make it organic and thick. Here my lunch today:

Butternut Squash & Onion Soup: Cut squash in half, remove seeds, oil and place on top of chopped/diced onions (1)& celery(3). Add olive oil  again with seasoning and bake for 45mins (gas 6) until slightly browned & tender. Scoop out the squash put into 2 cups veg stock & blend with the celery & half the onions. Add cinnamon and the reaming onions. (Serves 4)

Avocado Bean Salad: ! full avocado peeled & diced, 50g haricot beans, red kidney beans, garlic, half onion, fresh chili, add to green leafy veg, spinach, 1 beetroot, season & add dressing (see the list for dressings)
Green Tea.

Mid- Arvo: Baked Sweet potato & Chicken breast with PH water and digestive enzyme to help reduce mucus & acid production from the meat. (this leads to fat cells being created!)

Dinner: Steamed fish with mixed veg (must include broccoli-its high calcium level helps reduce store fat and restores PH balance of your body)

Desert: Low fat Pro-biotic Youghurt with whey protein powder & mixed seeds

Evening Snack: Handfull of nuts & Green Tea (if Training day then add a PH balanced Protein Shake)

Before Bed: VERY IMPRTANT to supplement before bed. A good quality Zinc & Magnesium or ZMA is essential.

Remember add in a Whey Protein Shake after Training. Makesure it has 40g of protein and 20g of carbs or electrol replacement.

Good Luck x

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