Saturday 20 October 2012

Back Pain?

Assessing the body physically from top to bottom, we use a few specialist examinations. By comparing the results as deviations from ‘ideal’ posture we can see which muscles are short/overactive and which are long/weak and where there is undue stress being placed on the skeleton. A further biomechanics assessment in the form of a ‘movement screening’ will test the integrated functionality of the musculoskeletal system through primal movements such as squats, lunges, pushes, pulls, bends, twists and gait. The movement screen will tell us how the muscles work with each other, allowing us to see any biomechanics deficiencies that can be the cause of the low back pain. In the case of anterior tilt of pelvis (over arch of lower back) we need to pay attention to you hip flexors and hamstrings. Getting these to the correct length will mean less pressure on the back muscle we are trying to treat.

Your program should include:

1. A regular stretching routine that lengthens the tight/overactive muscles. Performed 2-3 times daily until the muscles are restored to there optimal length.
2. A corrective strengthening routine. Performed 3-4 times per week until the weak muscles return to an optimal length.
3. Mobilisation exercises that encourage optimal range of motion throughout every major joint in the body.

The first and most important treatment to keep in mind is ice! Whenever you feel the back issue has flared up it would be a good idea to ice the area and reduce any inflammation. Second is to lie down and not sit. Sitting believe it or not is one of the most stressful positions to put your spine in. The over curvature in your lower sine due to pelvis position will stress the vertebrae.

Treatment would also involve massage or SMR stretching/foam rolling but be very gentle as to not cause any further damage. Couple this treatment with lower back stretching and strengthening exercises. Be very careful to not do too much too soon. Slow, steady and gradual is your moto.

Remember to always warm up before you begin a routine. Then try focus on these positions:

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