Sunday 9 October 2011

Diary of A Personal Trainer #Sunday Cleanse

Sunday is such an important day for your fitness routine because its usually the day you have chance to catch up on the treats you have on Saturday night! For me Saturday is always a meal out or a takeaway-its my treat with my daughter for being so good through the week.
Last night was curry, X-factor & Cake (Mia is now 9!!). I find having a treat night an essential when I'm in the thick of a tough training program. It allows me to refocus for the week ahead and most importantly when I get the choc craving late Thursday night after my last Personal Training session I manage to resist temptation knowing I can go wild on Saturday! The trick with having a night off is that you keep it to just 1 night! Enjoy it but when you wake up Sunday get your act together, get training and cleanse from the inside to reset your body.
This "cleanse" works on a physical & psychological level. I try to help my hydration, digestion & energy levels which in turn helps motivate me to train that day. I keep my training cardio, core & postural alignment correction based which helps set my body up for a week of resistance & teaching classes.

So here it is diet & training hope you enjoy!

Cleanse Diet:

Upon Waking: Hot water with lemon

Breakfast: Energizer Smoothie- 1 cup chopped tomatoes, 1/2 cup tomato juice, 2 celery stalks, a few green leaves (lettuce, spinach) 1 scoop hemp protein, 1 scoop pea protein, a little Tabasco sauce
I know this drink seems hardcore but I love tomato juice so for me its nice! The benefit is that this smoothie is PH alkaline and so helps rid the body of the fat forming acid produced from the treat meal last night!

Mid-morning: Green Tea

Lunch: Butternut Squash Soup with Spelt Bread Roll & Green Tea

Mid-Arvo: Whey Protein Shake

Dinner: Spicy Vegetable Stir fry

Evening Snack: Avocado Dip with fresh chillies & buckwheat tortilla

Before Bed: Kuretee


Nothing to hardcore just a run & rehab!

OK so I have ant-pelvic tilt which is displayed by an over arch in my lower back. This is the most common of pelvic tilts as many of us have developed this through occupation and lifestyle. For me over lifting heavy weights on exercises like squats and teaching 5,6 sometime 12 spin classes a week has lead to my hip-flexors becoming tighter and tighter. For many other people spending most of the day driving or sat at a desk would have had the same effect. This hip-flexor tightening leads to glute (bum) muscles lengthening and therefore less tone, less calorie expenditure and decrease mobility around pelis and spine potentially leading to lower back pain.

So here's what I do to help reduce this posture kenetic imbalance:

Lengthen Hip-flexor with SMR (foam rolling) & static stretch. Make sure static stretching is held for 20-30 seconds.
Strengthen Bum: Single leg-bridge (20 reps slow tempo)
Ice Skater (20 reps slow tempo due to stabilisation)

Cardio: Its raining today but stuff it I hate running on treadmills for anything longer than 15 mins so I'm doing a 10k outside. Nice easy pace just abit of alone time to clear my head and focus on the week ahead at work and training.

Home in time for Xfactor result and blog time-happy days!

Peace & Love


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